With brand-spanking new vehicles comes the need for new one-liners and new artwork.
We're inviting a variety of Australian celebrities/writers to conjure up and submit their favourite quotes for the back of our vans. We want fresh stuff from a selection of Aussie icons (none of the recycled-quotes you find on the web). So far I've been in touch with the likes of Kevin Bloody Wilson, Rolf Harris, and Hamish and Andy...it will be interesting to see who takes us up on the offer!
We're also inviting 10-20 artists to spraypaint vans for us with their original artwork. If you're an artist and would like your artwork on display all around Australia, let us know by emailing evangelism@wickedcampers.com .
Wicked needs a "The Big Lebowski"-themed camper. I'd recommend this t-shirt as a starting point.
hey that's a real cool t-shirt, i'll fwd it to the grafitti guy...he paints silhouettes really well! thanks for the feedback, any original quotes you wanna donate too?
I'll try to think of a few for you. I'm in a band that has some fairly funny and off-color lyrics that I might pull from ... we have a song called "Commando Friday." I can't recall if "going commando" has the same meaning in Australia as it does here in the U.S. ...
Ah yes we all know what that means in Australia!! That's beautiful mate, flick those quotes through to me anytime. I'll make sure to take a photo of the van with the quote so you can show your band-mates!
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